I was talking to someone the other day and they were expecting #3 - and got pregnant easily, with this one being an "oops," of course. The green-eyed monster reared his ugly head and I was jealous that it was so easy for them when it was so hard for me. And it's silly, because I thank God on a daily basis that all of my previous attempts had failed and it was my October cycle that was successful because it gave me Markin - if anything else had worked, I wouldn't have HER and I can't imagine my life without her in it.
Okay - I'm getting philosophical. Feel free to stop reading: And I think that there may be one more baby in store for me - from my July cycle's snowbabies. I think God's plan was to give me Markin - which is why there were problems with my uterus in July but we were able to freeze the 4 embryos, and I got the partial refund so that I was able to do another fresh IVF cycle in October. If I had done a frozen transfer that month, she wouldn't be here, and my life wouldn't be as perfect as it is right now! But there's a reason those 4 are frozen and waiting for me, right?
Thinking about those snowbabies - they were conceived in July, Markin was conceived in October. If you think life begins at conception, technically a baby born from those embryos would be older than Markin :)
Disney Day #8 - POP
8 years ago
I think all of us who went through IVF have a little green-eyed-monster inside.....even if we were successful:)
ReplyDeleteI don't think it ever goes away. Even tho I am done every time I hear or see someone is pregnant the thought creeps in. Maybe eventually I will get used to it....I doubt it. :)
ReplyDeleteIt sounds silly, but every time I see someone who is obviously pregnant I still get a flash of "when will it be my turn?" Then it hits me, "Oh yea, I got my turn BIG time."